Learn How to Play the Drums in 30 Days. Learning to play the drums can be intimidating, but it’s not impossible. With the right steps and some practice, anyone can learn how to play the drums in 30 days. This article will provide tips and tricks to help you properly learn and arm you with the tools you need to take your drum playing skills to the next level.


Playing the drums is an enjoyable experience and can even be used as a stress reliever. Not everyone knows it, but it doesn’t take a lot of time and commitment to start learning to play. All you need is the proper knowledge of when to hit, the basic techniques and a few practice sessions. By following the tutorial in this article, you can learn how to play the drums in just 30 days.

Learn the Basics of Drumming

The first step to becoming a drumming pro is to learn the basics. As a beginner, you will need to understand the different musical and technical aspects of drumming. Here are some of the basics you will need to know:

Types of Drums

Drums come in many different shapes and sizes. The most commonly used drums are the bass, snare, hi-hat, tom-tom, crash, and ride. It’s important to know the features and sounds of each drum before playing them.

Bass Drum – The bass drum is the largest drum in the kit. It produces a deep, resonant sound and is usually placed in front of the drum set. It’s played with a bass drum pedal.

Snare Drum – The snare drum is the center of the drum set. It produces a bright, sharp sound that is used to keep time and create accents. Snare drums are usually placed in the center of the kit.

Hi-Hat – The hi-hat is a set of two small metal cymbals. When the pedal pressed, the cymbals close together. The hi-hat produces a sharp sound when the cymbals hit each other. It used for keeping time and creating accents.

Tom-tom Drums – The tom-tom drums are smaller drums placed on each side of the snare drum. Each tom-tom has a different pitch and used for adding texture and accents to the song.

Crash Cymbal – The crash cymbal is a large metal cymbal used for creating accents and adding texture to music. It produces a loud, sharp sound that is used for punctuating songs.

Ride Cymbal – The ride cymbal is a large metal cymbal similar to the crash cymbal. It produces a smoother, more gentle sound and is used for keeping time and adding texture to music.


Once you understand the types of drums, you will need to learn the different techniques used for playing them. Here are some of the most common techniques:

Standard Beat – This is the most basic drum beat and used in most pop and rock music. It played by striking the bass drum on beats 1 and 3 and the snare on beats 2 and 4.

Accents – Accents are used to add texture and interest to a beat. This done by playing the snare, kick drum, hi-hat, or cymbals on the off-beat.

Fills – Fills used to add a different element and create variations during a song. They can be simple or complex and can be used at any point in a song.

Sticking Patterns – Sticking patterns used to create variations in a beat. They created by swapping the hands or using specific sticking combinations.

Drum Rudiments

Drum rudiments are musical exercises that used to help drummers develop their technique and gain more control over their instrument. They usually played using a combination of the different drumming techniques mentioned previously. Here are some of the most common drum rudiments:

Single-stroke Roll – This rudiment played by striking the drum alternating between the hands. It usually played on the snare or tom-toms.

Double-stroke Roll – This rudiment played by striking the drum twice with the same hand then alternating between the hands. It usually played on the snare or tom-toms.

Triple-stroke Roll – This rudiment played by striking the drum three times with the same hand then alternating between the hands. It usually played on the snare or tom-toms.

Buzz Roll – This rudiment played by striking the drum and letting the stick bounce off the head creating a buzzing sound. It usually played on the snare or tom-toms.

Acquire the Right Equipment

Drums are not the only equipment you will need to learn how to play the drums. Here are some of the other pieces of equipment you will need:

Drum Sticks – Drum sticks are the most essential pieces of equipment for drumming. So Drum sticks come in many different types and sizes and it can take time to find the right one for you.

Drum Throne – A drum throne is also known as a drum seat and is used to keep the drummer comfortable while playing. It is important to find a throne that is adjustable and comfortable.

Drum Muffs – Drum muffs are used to muffle the sound of the drums. This can help reduce noise in a rehearsal space or small room, and will help keep you from disturbing the neighbors.

Drum Kit – A drum kit is a set of drums that has all the different types of drums in it. It is important to research the different types of drums and their features before buying a drum kit.

Practice the Basics

Once you have all the necessary equipment and knowledge, it’s time to start practicing. Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your practice sessions:

Focus on Drum Rudiments – Drum rudiments are the foundation of drumming and are an essential part of any practice session. Spend time mastering the drum rudiments and learn how to apply them to different styles of music.

Record Yourself – Recording yourself playing can help you identify any technique or timing issues and make corrections. Use a metronome to stay on time and focus on playing to a click track.

Use a Practice Pad – A practice pad can use to practice drumming without making noise. It simulates the feel of an actual drum and helps you develop drumming technique without disturbing the neighbors.

Practice with a Metronome – A metronome can help achieve the proper tempo and timing. When playing to a metronome, focus on playing the drums in time and with consistent tempo. This will help instill a sense of rhythm and timing when playing with other musicians.

Learn to Play Along with Music

The ultimate goal is to learn to play along with music. To do this, you need to practice to music and learn different styles of drumming. Here are some tips to help you learn how to play with music:

Listen to Music – It is important to listen to the music you are playing to get an understanding of the different styles of drumming. Spend time listening to different types of music and pay attention to the drummer’s style and techniques.

Section Practice – Breaking songs down into sections and practicing them individually can help you understand the beat and create variations when playing along with the music.

Transcribing Solos – Transcribing drum solos can help you understand the different techniques used by drummers when playing a specific song. Break the solo down into sections and practice each section until you understand and can play it.

Find a Mentor

Finding a mentor or teacher can be one of the most beneficial experiences you can have when learning to play the drums. A mentor or teacher can help provide guidance and feedback, enabling you to reach your full potential as a drummer.

Steps to Finding a Mentor

Find a Drum Teacher – It can be intimidating looking for a drum teacher, but it doesn’t have to be. Ask around and see if anyone knows of a good teacher. Check online for drum teachers in your area and research reviews of them before contacting them.

Interview Prospective Teachers – Before committing to a teacher, interview them and make sure that they are the right fit. Ask about their experience, teaching style and what you can expect from lessons.

Observe a Lesson – It’s also a good idea to observe a lesson with a prospective teacher before committing to lessons. Observing a lesson can help you get an understanding of their teaching style and whether or not the teacher is a good match.


Learning how to play the drums can be an amazing and rewarding experience. By following these steps and practicing regularly, you will be able to learn how to play the drums in just 30 days. Acquire the right equipment, learn the basics, practice the basics and find a mentor. With the right knowledge and dedication, anyone can learn how to play the drums and start making music.


How do I start learning to play the drums?

The best way to start learning to play the drums is to get the right equipment and learn the basics. Acquire the necessary pieces of equipment such as a drum kit, drum sticks and drum throne. Learn the basics of drumming such as the types of drums, techniques, and drum rudiments. Once you know the basics and have the right equipment, you can start practicing and learning how to play with music.


How long does it take to learn to play the drums?

How long it takes to learn to play the drums depends on the person and how much they practice. Generally, a person with no experience can learn the basics in a few weeks and start playing with music in one month. With dedication and practice, it is possible to learn how to play the drums in 30 days.


Which equipment do I need to learn the drums?

The necessary pieces of equipment you will need to learn the drums are a drum kit, drum sticks, and a drum throne. The drum kit should include a bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat, tom-toms, crash cymbal, and ride cymbal. Drum sticks come in many different types and sizes and it is important to find the right ones for you. A drum throne is used to keep the drummer comfortable while playing and should be adjustable and comfortable.


How often should I practice?

It recommended to practice at least once a day and for at least 30 minutes. Practice for longer if you can, but it is important to schedule breaks in order to avoid overuse injuries.


What drum rudiments should I learn first?

The three drum rudiments that a beginner should focus on are the single-stroke roll, double-stroke roll, and triple-stroke roll. These rudiments are the most commonly used and help to build a foundation of technique.


What do I do if I can’t find a drum teacher?

If you can’t find a drum teacher in your area, you can find videos and tutorials online. There are many online resources that can help teach you the basics of drumming and provide guidance and instruction in different styles.

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